Wednesday, May 30, 2018

how to survive ap euro

I am an average student unlike some of my other peers that have taken AP Euro(who are mainly top 20 of the class).  I am not on track for an Ivy League school or even a little Ivy, yet I survived this class.  SO if your like me and are simply average you too can do well in Euro.  Euro is challenging but not undoable.  There is a lot of work but the key is to manage your time and try really hard not to procrastinate, even though it is inevitable.  Another good tip is to make sure you use your planner to block out your schedule.  Write down everything in this, when you have work, practice, or after school clubs.  This really helped me find time to get stuff done.  Also another good tip is that homework can not just be done at home but one the bus, in the car, in a lab period, and in a class where you are not really doing anything.  The best way to prevent a late night is to get as much work done before you get home.  ALSO, this is a little personal but if you come home from practice do not start your homework after you shower.  I find that I am most productive before a shower because after you take a shower all you want to do is relax.  Also just relax!! Everything will work out.  

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