Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Field Trip Selfie!-Due by 11:59pm Monday 4/30!

For your April blog assignment you will be analyzing a piece of art work that you viewed during our field trip the MFA.  I would like for you post your art selfie and then do the following:
1.     Identify the art work, artist, and art style.
2.     Then you should Describe it, Analyze it, Interpret it, and Reflect on how it represents the art style.  Below are some guiding questions for this task.  You do NOT have to answer all of the questions but use them to help you complete the task.

Describe it.

What kinds of things do you see in this painting? What else do you see?
What words would you use to describe this painting? What other words might we use?
How would you describe the lines in this picture? The shapes? The colors? What does this painting show?
Look at this painting for a moment. What observations can you make about it?
How would you describe this painting to a person who could not see it?
How would you describe the people in this picture? Are they like you or different?
How would you describe (the place depicted in) this painting?

Analyze it.
Which objects seems closer to you? Further away?
What can you tell me about the colors in this painting?
What color is used the most in this painting?
What makes this painting look crowded?
What can you tell me about the person in this painting?
What can you tell me about how this person lived? How did you arrive at that idea?
What do you think is the most important part of this picture?
How do you think the artist made this work?
What questions would you ask the artist about this work, if s/he were here?

Interpret it.
What title would you give to this painting? What made you decide on that title?
What other titles could we give it?
What do you think is happening in this painting? What else could be happening?
What sounds would this painting make (if it could)?
What do you think is going on in this picture? How did you arrive at that idea?
What do you think this painting is about? How did you come up that idea?
Pretend you are inside this painting. What does it feel like?
What do you think this (object) was used for? How did you arrive at that idea?
Why do you suppose the artist made this painting? What makes you think that?
What do you think it would be like to live in this painting? What makes you think that?